colorful display stickers laptop with word facebook bottom
About colorful display stickers laptop with word facebook bottom Stock Photo Asset Overview
This vibrant and eye-catching stock photo features a close-up of a laptop with colorful display stickers, prominently showcasing the word “Facebook” at the bottom. Perfect for social media marketing, digital advertising, and tech-related content, this image highlights the playful and modern elements of digital interaction. The photo, in high-resolution JPG format (4000 x 4000 px), makes it a great choice for blog posts, social media campaigns, and website visuals that focus on social media platforms, digital tools, and internet culture. This image is versatile and can be used for various purposes, such as promoting social media branding, online marketing strategies, tech tutorials, or digital services. It’s also ideal for educational content on social media management or online engagement. Available in high-resolution JPG format, this stock photo will elevate your online presence and make your projects more engaging and relatable.
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13,564 Photos
- Details
- Photo #15518
- Published on Nov 20, 2024
- Photo type JPG
- Resolution 4000x4000
- Category Computer / Communi...
- File size 4.6MB