hamburger french fries are table with cup coffee
About hamburger french fries are table with cup coffee Stock Photo Asset Overview
Indulge in a mouthwatering feast with our stunning stock photo featuring a gourmet hamburger, crispy French fries, and a steaming cup of coffee. Perfect for food bloggers, restaurant menus, and social media campaigns, this high-resolution image (4000x4000) brings culinary delights to life. With a file size of 4.1MB, it’s optimized for seamless integration into your website or marketing materials. Elevate your visuals with this vibrant portrayal of comfort food, enticing customers to savor every bite! Product Package Details: Your purchase includes a high-quality JPG file, perfect for various applications. The image comes in 4000x4000 resolution, ensuring crisp details whether you’re printing posters or sharing online. This versatile file is suitable for use in blogs, advertisements, and promotional materials, giving you the flexibility to enhance your brand’s aesthetic.
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13,564 Photos
Exif Data
Photo taken with Canon EOS 560D 6080/100 f/2.4 1/240 ISO 400- Details
- Photo #15467
- Published on Oct 19, 2024
- Photo type JPG
- Resolution 4000x4000
- Category Foods & Drinks
- File size 4.1MB