Curated Design Assets by Stockiphotos
Bring your creative ideas to life with over 1.8M high-quality 3D illustrations, Design Assets, icons and stock images
Popular categories: Business / Finance, Backgrounds / Textures, Education, Holidays /Seasonal, People
Featured Photos and Illustrations
Create your best work, with the best royalty-free content. As the original stock content site created by creatives for creatives, we get you. You need unique hand-picked 3D Illustrations, Icons, stock images and vector designs that connect with your audience, at prices that fit your budget. We got all that—and more.

Latest Illustrations Design Assets and Stock Images
Explore our latest high-quality, curated design resources that elevate your creative projects. Whether you are a designer, digital marketer, or content creator, Stockiphotos offers an extensive library of premium and free assets designed to meet your needs

Explore Royalty-Free Stock Photos & Images
Make your creative projects stand out with eye-catching stock photos, royalty-free images and 3d Illustrations for all your design needs from our curated design assets from thousands of Artists around the world. From realistic models to abstract shapes, find 3D Graphics in formats like PNG, BLEND, FBX, and glTF. Perfect for web, apps, games, and AR/VR projects. New 3D Assets are added regularly, keeping your projects fresh.
Stock Photos
Browse Design Assets Categories
Curated Categories of Icons, Illustrations, 3D Illustrations & Stock Images - Explore a world of design assets with our extensive library featuring categories of User Interface, People, Entertainment, Healthcare & Medical, Nature, Sports & Games, Food & Drink, Animals, and so much more!